Perpignan > Brussels, Belgium
Lead by Piero (ex-Mighty Go-Go Players/ Fatals / Demon’s Claws) this 7″ starts off with a disheveled fuzz stun-gun called “Eureka,” a catchy dancer with snotty attitude out the ass, then slinks into trippy carnival grounds for a spell with the whimsical “Oscar Wilde.” For Side B, Jack of Heart takes on the task of covering a song The Cramps taught us, 1966’s “Primitive” by The Groupies. While Lux and Ivy arguably couldn’t even improve on the original, Jack of Heart gives this standard a nasty, stinging twist of their own, and it works perfectly for the 45 format. This superb blend of headphone worthy psych-garage comes housed in a gorgeous full color sleeve, with band dedications to fallen friends Seb Favre, Bobby Ubangi, and Jay Reatard.
Photo: Christian Bendel
- BOOKING (Europe): Zuma Booking
- BOOKING (France): Profet Records
- BOOKING USA: Ping Pong and Zuma
- CONTACT: jackofheartxxx@gmail.com